Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund: Private Markets Portfolio Monitoring Software RFP

The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) is requesting proposals from organizations that will provide private equity portfolio monitoring software.           IMRF is seeking a single provider that can support all private asset classes including private equity, private credit and private real assets. IMRF is seeking solutions from a single firm that provide an integrated approach including staff access to the software and an outsourced solution to collect and input data from private market funds into the software. IMRF will not consider multiple providers to provide the software and data collection separately.

Quite Period: The Quiet Period for this RFP begins Friday, January 17, 2025.  The Quiet Period for this process is the period of time beginning when the RFP is issued and ends when the service provider is selected by the IMRF Board of Trustees, or the process is declared to be complete.  The requirements of the Quiet Period are in Section 1.4 of the RFP.  Respondents shall not contact IMRF board members during the Quiet Period. A respondent will be disqualified for violating the Quiet Period.

Deadline for Questions: Questions or clarification requests should be submitted via email to [email protected] no later than January 29, 2025. After January 29, 2025, if a question appears unclear to you, please state your interpretation of the question, and answer it accordingly. Frequently asked questions are expected to be posted to the IMRF website at no later than January 31, 2025.

RFP Submission Deadline: The RFP is available in the Business Opportunities section of the Investments tab on the IMRF website at

Proposals must be received no later than end of business day on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. All proposals shall become the property of IMRF.