Investment Managers

Creating a more informed, transparent, and integrated investment community

We have a common goal: offering institutional investors the best possible investment performance with as much consistency and predictability as markets allow. We must be transparent, keep integrity at our core, and make research and education a top priority.

Our mission is to share information that leads to better investment incomes for the beneficiaries we all serve. We want to learn about you through your complete answers in our Manager Questionnaire (database) and in-person meetings.

If you’re an emerging or diverse manager, learn more about our Callan Connects program. We also have a page dedicated to our active RFPs and searches.

Manager Questionnaire

~ 0 ,400

Average number of manager research meetings per year 

0 +

Dedicated research experts

$ 0 billion

Average amount we help clients allocate in a year

$ 0 + trillion

Total assets under advisement

Working with us

Learn more about how Callan monitors investment managers:

Our people

Our people are our biggest strength and differentiator. We pride ourselves on a collaborative culture that supports a team-based approach to investment consulting, resulting in strong retention rates among our professionals and our clients.

Resources for investment managers

New on the Blog
Asset 1

Research Library

Green Suitcase icon

Active RFPs

Callan Connects

Learn about our Callan Connects program for diverse and emerging managers.

Questions about working with us?